Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Have You Ever Felt Creatively Blocked?

A friend of mine posed this question to me, "Have you ever felt creatively blocked?" Below you will find my unedited response:

men block me. it's funny considering i am writing a book about them. but i've been stagnant before due to them...i smoke cigarettes and drink in order to avoid writing about them in the moment...i used to not do that. i used to grab my journal and write poem after freakin' poem about how much of a victim i was. then i decided to can the self pity and turn to self destruct, not good either. i will (and know there will be) a healthier outlet for me other than my vices. i just need to give myself time to find them. i dont like mixing creativity and pain all the time, it's a killjoy.

1 comment:

Recy Vintage & Creations said...

I think a lot of us allow ourselves to feel like a victim a lot of the time. Maybe our new endeavor will help us through that. :)


Karen Beth :)